Once you remove the package, repeat point 4 and you should be goodĨ. Identify the package which says “spartaUWP” and run in the same power shell “remove-appxpackage Microsoft*** spartaUWP ** ” – so basically the full package nameħ. If you get any error open power shell and run “get-appxpackage -all”Ħ.

run InstallApp.exe file and if it says “done” you should find the file in start menuĥ. Run Windows PowerShell as administrator and add line Add-AppxPackage C:GamesGears.of.圆48wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx. Pause (dont stop) the download when it reaches 80 MB and close Store App. in my case F:\Users\xxxxxx xxxxxx\UniversalApps\Gears of War 4\AppFiles and open command prompt there with admin credentialsĤ. Go to Microsoft Store, find Gears of War 4 and click Free trial. If GOW item doesn’t show up in start menu, go to the folder of where its installed. Once its installed (be it on C or any other un-encrypted drive) check if the app shows up in start menuģ.

Set 25 years after Gears of War 3, humanity is slowly rebuilding and repopulating, and planet Sera’s weather is taking a violent turn due to the Imulsion countermeasure. Okay, after lot of working and power shell editing i got the game to workĢ. 'Never Fight Alone' Gears of War 4 slogan Gears of War 4 is the fifth game in the Gears of War franchise. hope you all are running on latest version of windows 10.